Your home for all things meat

Here at the Conslidated Meat Company, we strive to bring you the freshest canned meats the market can handle. And a few they can’t.

Our Delicious Range


Premium Ham in Spicy Herbs


Angus Beef, Uruguan Shallots, Irish Vegetables, and Endive


Filet of Whitefish Layers



meat Central

coffee community

Our community

We have are a part of our local community, and as many have said, they hope we move on.

making coffee

Our meats

If you can eat it, we’ve stuffed it in a can and labeled it something clever!

brew techniques

Our flavors

At CMC, we strive to bring our customers only the finest of herbs and spices from aroud the world. Unless there’s suppply chain issues, in which case we shop at Amazon, just like you!

coffee logo

Our meats

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At the Consolidated Meat Company, we care about you and what you have to say. Please feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions or give you the mailing address for your paternity suit against our lead driver.

Consolidated Meat Company

Meats: canned and delivered.


You can find out premium products at a store near you. And if you can’t, you should complain to them.

“The key to our success is our meats."

The Boss